London, March 2013. HE The Delegate, Mr Anthony Bailey, during February-March 2013 undertook the following engagements on behalf of the British and Irish Delegation:
- 19 February 2013. Reception for the National Day of Serbia at the Serbian Embassy.
- 19 February 2013. Meeting with His Eminence Archbishop Athanasius Toma Dawod, Patriarchal Vicar of the Syriac Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom,
- 25 February 2013. Reception for the National Day of Kuwait at the Dorchester Hotel.
- 25 February 2013. Lord Denman’s memorial service at St Margaret’s Church London SW1
- 14 March 2013. Meeting with Lord Touaig at the House of Lords.
- 14 March 2013. Meeting with Lord Singh at the House of Lords.
- 15 March 2013. Meeting with Frank Galland, delegation member.
- 20 March 2013. Meeting with HE Mr Francis O’Donnell, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the Order of Malta to the Slovak Republic.
- 20 March 2013. Meeting HE Mrs Jozefina Topalli, Speaker of the Albanian Parliament at the Albanian Embassy in London.
- 21 March 2013. Attended the official dinner to celebrate the Enthronement of the new Archbishop of Canterbury at Rutherford Hall, Canterbury, Kent.
- 25 March 2013. Meeting with The Rt Hon Paul Murphy, MP, at the House of Commons.
- 27 March 2013. Faith Debate at Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster,London SW1.
- 27 March 2013. Musical performance of Turksoy – International Organization of Turkic Culture in celebration of Nevruz. Methodist Central Hall. London SW1.
- 28 March 2013. Meeting Julian Bond & the Rt Rev Paul Hendricks of the Christian-Muslim Forum.