Leo Simmonds KCSG, KC*HS, KMCO passes away
Richmond - February 2021. The Delegation of Great Britain and Ireland of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George notes with much sadness the passing on 10 April 2020, aged 89, of…
Richmond - February 2021. The Delegation of Great Britain and Ireland of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George notes with much sadness the passing on 10 April 2020, aged 89, of…
Vienna - February 2021. The Delegation of Great Britain and Ireland of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George notes with much sadness the passing on 15 February 2021, aged…
Mahmoud Khayami CBE, KSS, GCFO passes away Los Angeles - April 2021. The Delegation of Great Britain and Ireland of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George notes with much sadness…
His Excellency Ambassador Señor Gilbert Chauny de Porturas-Hoyle, KM, KGOCO, passes away Lima - February 2021. The Delegation of Great Britain and Ireland of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of…
Albert Roux OBE, KFO London - January 2021. The Delegation of Great Britain and Ireland of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George notes with much sadness the passing on 4 January…
Personal Statement from British and Irish Delegate Anthony Bailey Dear Knights, Dames, Medallists, supporters and friends, As some of you are aware I have been suffering with significant health concerns and the…