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London, May 2015. Holy Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 13 September 2015 on the occasion of the Investiture of the Bishop of the Eparchy of New Westminster of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, The Most Rev Kenneth Nowakowski. The Constantinian Order will also celebrate its Feast Day of the Glorification of the Cross during the Mass.

The Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, The Duke of Castro, had decreed the admittance of Bishop Kenneth to the honour and dignity of Ecclesiastical Knight Commander of Grace of the Constantinian Order. The Investiture will take place during the Divine Liturgy at The Cathedral of the Holy Family in Exile, 22 Binney Street, London W1K 5BQ at 12pm. A reception will take place after the investiture in the Cathedral Hall.

Bishop Kenneth will be invested by a senior member of the Royal Deputation and we invite all knights, dames and friends of the Order to be present for this occasion. Mantle capes and insignias are to be worn.

The Eparchy of Holy Family of London is an eparchy for Ukrainian Greek Catholics in Great Britain. It is the only Eastern Rite Catholic diocese in Britain. In 2013, the Exarchate was elevated to the rank of the Eparchy by Pope Benedict XVI. To confirm your attendance, please contact the Chancery by email at chancery@ or by phone at 020 7594 0275.